IHT Planning with Retirement Planning
These two subjects are inextricably linked in that a decent retirement plan can enhance an IHT plan. While no IHT will be paid (before 06 April 2027), if the pension holder is over 75 at the time of death the beneficiaries will be liable to income tax on pension benefits drawn. I.e. if no benefits are drawn, no income tax is paid.
As the situation will be different from the 2027/28 tax year, anybody with significant pension savings will suffer a higher IHT liability, and we would urge you to contact us or your financial adviser sooner rather than later to discuss your options.
How it works
For example, any money that is held in a pension at the time of your death can sidestep your estate and get passed to your beneficiaries without IHT.
Of course, due to the pension freedoms act that £100,000 is still accessible, but unless you need it, outside of your estate. For this reason, the earlier you look at IHT planning the better.
However, there are clients that benefit from making early moves with their money. Moves that don’t really affect their lives, but that save IHT.